Jumat, 07 Maret 2025|Jakarta, Indonesia

Gov’t to Continue Disbursing Rice Assistance

Nata Kesuma

Rabu, 21 Februari 2024 - 08:42 WIB

Ilustrasi pasar tradisional. (Foto: Sumut24)
Ilustrasi pasar tradisional. (Foto: Sumut24)

Thepresidentpost.id - President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has ensured that the Government will continue rolling out the rice assistance program for low-income families.

The President made the statement when handing over rice assistance to 1,064 beneficiary families at the Integrated Agricultural Area Building in South Tangerang city, Banten province, Monday (19/02).

“This program is effective for January, February, March, April, May, and June. Later after June, if the State Budget is still sufficient, it will continue,” the President said.

This program, he added, is a token of the Government’s commitment to helping the public in the midst of rising food prices, especially rice, these days.

“Why [the price] is rising? Because of climate change and weather changes so many farmers failed to perform harvest. If the production drops, so the price goes up. Thus, the government provides this assistance to help families during this hard time,” he remarked.



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