Realizing Contribution to Reducing Greenhouse Gases, ALDO Starts Working on Solar Panel Construction
Nata Kesuma
Kamis, 19 Oktober 2023 - 06:10 WIB - Jakarta, October 18th 2023 – PT Alkindo Naratama Tbk (ALDO), a listed company engaged in the integrated paper and chemical business, is currently in the process of constructing solar panels with the capacity to generate 3.0333 MWp of electricity at one of its subsidiaries, PT Eco Paper Indonesia.
The start of construction of solar panels is a manifestation of ALDO's commitment to contribute in efforts to reduce greenhouse gases, and simultaneously supports the government program to achieve the target of using renewable energy of 23% by 2025.
"We hope that the solar power plant we've begun building will be operational by the end of 2023," said ALDO's President Director, H. Sutanto.
Through the collaboration between the Japanese and Indonesian governments, the construction of this solar panel system is funded under the JCM Model Project scheme, allowing the company to avoid upfront investment costs.
The presence of solar panels not only benefits Eco Paper by providing competitive and renewable energy, but also positively impacts the reduction of the company's electricity bills. Furthermore, the initiative to shift a portion of electricity consumption to renewable energy sources is estimated to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2,182 tons of CO2 per year.
As a result, the company actively contributes to Indonesia's efforts to achieve the goal of net-zero emissions by 2060.
In detail, within a period of 25 years, ALDO's step in installing a 3.0333 MWp solar panel installation will generate 96,720 MWh of electricity and reduce carbon emissions by 75,906 tons of CO2, equivalent to planting 3,036,234 trees.
"With the presence of these solar panels, the Company will enjoy several benefits, such as reduced operational costs and dependence on expensive and limited fossil energy sources. In the long term, the presence of solar panels will help create energy price stability, thereby reducing the risk of fluctuations in conventional energy prices. Meanwhile from an environmental sustainability perspective, it is clear that the presence of solar panels will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint," concluded Sutanto.
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